Sunday, July 8, 2012


How to Remove a Mole

Although it may seem like a minor condition, getting a mole removed is a medical procedure.  When it comes to your body, you should be wise about the choices that you make and fully understand what is going to be done.  While all doctors are different, certain of the same methods of removing a mole are common.

Understanding a little bit more about moles is the first step in the process.  There are two common types of moles that people can have.  The first type of mole appears at birth or early on in life as a result of sun exposure.  These are the kinds of moles that typically do not change. 

The other type of mole that people can have is the ones that are constantly growing and may appear to have changes in color.  These types of moles need to be monitored closely and will need a biopsy from a skin specialist in order to be sure that it is not cancerous. 

There are four common methods for mole removal.  These methods are cryotherapy, excision, laser therapy and natural removal procedure.  Depending on what kind of mole a person is dealing with will determine the method in which the mole can be removed.  For instance, the kind of mole that people are born with can often be removed with a laser.

When a mole is removed with cryotherapy it is frozen with liquid nitrogen and then the frozen mole is lanced away.  It depends on how deep the mole’s infiltration is within the skin that will determine how much needs to be lanced away. 

Excision is a surgical procedure that is done when a larger mole needs to be removed under local anesthetic.  The surgeon will use a scalpel to cut the mole and a border of good skin surrounding it.  Depending on the depth of the excision, stitches will be placed either deep within the skin, or on the upper surface of the skin. 

The third type of procedure that is done to remove moles is laser therapy.  Laser therapy is a surgical procedure that uses a mild intensity laser beam to burn the mole off of the skin.  Whether or not this procedure is an option depends upon the depth of the mole within the skin as well because it is possible for the mole to come back after it is destroyed since it is not possible for the laser to penetrate deeply enough. 

While it is probably the best mole removal treatment that you can have done, it is up to the dermatologist or skin specialist to decide the best course of action for your mole removal.  A benefit with the laser therapy is the healing process.  After the procedure is done the area around the mole will become red or brown.  The skin will then produce a scab over it as it heals for the next couple of weeks eliminating the need for stitches.  Another benefit to the laser therapy is that scaring is not an issue. 

The last method of mole removal is to treat the mole naturally using special herbs and an over the counter product, typically a cream.  

Friday, June 15, 2012


The 3 Main Categories of Removal Methods

There are basically three flat wart removal categories that may help you remove your flat warts:
  • Over the counter wart removal medicine 
  • Surgical flat warts treatment and professional help 
  • Alternative and home treatments for warts

Over the counter wart removers

There are various types of over the counter wart removal medicine that can help you to treat your flat warts. These came in many forms such as lotions, creams. patches and drugs. Some of these medications may be quite acidic and may also destroy your healthy skin.

Treating flat warts by over the counter medications may take several weeks or months. This may also involve a lot of commitment from your own part.

You may also consider professional help. For many individuals this usually happens after repeated setbacks using over the counter wart removal treatments.

Your physician may prescribe powerful drugs that can help you to cure your flat warts.

You may also consider surgery as a flat wart removal method. There are basically 3 types of surgery that can be used:

Surgical flat warts treatment

Cryosurgery - This involves the use of an instrument to freeze your flat warts. Cryosurgery is used to treat many other types of warts as well.
This flat warts treatment is even being used in the treatments of some cancers.

- This involves the use of heat that is produced from an electric current to kill your warts.

Laser therapy
- This involves the use of a laser to kill your warts.

For the above types of surgical flat wart removal methods you may be given numbing agents. You may have some discomforts both during and after the treatment. This will depend on various factors.

Not all the types of treatment mentioned above is adequate to treat you flat warts. You should discuss your situation with your physician.

Alternative and home treatments for warts

Alternative and home treatments for warts may also be used. These methods have been used for many years. These may include the use of vinegar, garlic and other ingredients. Some of these methods are an effective flats wart cure.

Monday, June 11, 2012


Foot Wart Treatment - 6 Foot Wart Removal Procedures

Foot warts can be treated by various foot wart removal procedures such as:

- Cryosurgery
- Laser therapy
- Electrosurgery
- Salicylic acid
- Duct tape
- Home treatment for warts

Cryosurgery - This is a foot wart treatment that kills warts by means of very low temperatures. Your growth is touched by an instrument and this freezes and kills it.

Electrosurgery - This type of foot wart removal method uses electricity to burn your growth. It is touched by a needle heated by an electric current and this kills the wart's cells.

Laser therapy is a type of foot wart treatment that uses a high-energy beam of light in order to burn your growth.

Cryosurgery, Electrosurgery and laser therapy need to be done by a professional physician. Anesthesia may also be administered. These methods may cause scaring.

Salicylic acid - This over the counter wart removal medication has been widely used in the treatment of many type of growths. Salicylic acid irritates the growth so that the immune system gets rid of the outer layer of the skin and so of the wart itself.

Salicylic acid needs to be administered for many weeks or months for some result. It may also irritate or scare your healthy skin. Further more read the instructions carefully before using this over the counter removal medication or better still consult your physician.

Duct tape - This removal method uses a duct tape and a pumice stone to irritate your growth and so the immune system will hopefully get rid of your growth. Irritation and scarring may also occur.

Home treatment for warts - These involve various types of foot wart treatment involving ready available ingredients such as vinegar, garlic and many other ingr


How Your Way of Life Have a Huge Impact On Your Warts

You should limit the intake of certain foods such as the so called junk foods, fried foods, additives, sugars and margarine. Nowadays these are very common and are both quite handy and tasty.
But being tasty does not mean that they are doing any good for your warts.

Refrain from drinking beverages that contain caffeine. These include in particular many soft drinks, coffee and tea. Pay particular attention to foods that contain aspartame. Beverages that contain aspartame may be low in calories but aspartame is surely not the best food you can take for your health.

Drink a lot of water. Remember that our body is largely made of water and water has purifying properties.

Try to avoid stress as far as possible. If you find this to be difficult try first to avoid stressful situations such as places where there are elevated sound levels, overcrowding, traffic jams and try to avoid situations where you have lack of control.

Try to avoid polluted environment as far as possible since poisonous gases are a major cause of many physical and psychological alignments.

It is a good idea to include physical exercise into your routine. This has various advantages. Physical exercise reduces stress and helps to counter the effects of depression.

There are many types of physical exercise you can do. Perhaps one of the most beneficial is jogging in the countryside. This has the advantages of exercising in a non-stressful and non-polluted environment.

Physical exercise may also make you sweat and this has a purifying effect. A sauna can also induce sweating and so consider this relaxation method as well.

It is important to keep a balance in everything you do. Remember that we are not physical beings but also spiritual beings


How Do You Get Warts?

You can get warts by being infected by the Human Papilloma Virus or HPV. A wart is in reality a non-cancerous growth caused by an infection by this type of virus.

There are many strains of the human papilloma virus and some of these types cause different type of warts. This virus is contagious and it can enter into your body from small cuts or scratches on your skin as well as by other ways.

There are many ways where you can get warts by being contaminated by HPV. In fact you can get them by:

• Direct contact with a wart of another person
• Direct contact with another person who is a carrier of the virus
• Using object that has been touched by another person that has the virus
• Sexual activity
• Frequenting certain places where the HPV dwells

Direct contact with the wart of another person may transfer the virus to your body. This is more frequent in children and adolescents than in adults. While children are playing football or other sports that require physical contact it is quite easy that they pass the virus by unconsciously touching the warts of other individuals.

It is also important to be aware that an individual may have the virus even if no type of growth has developed. This is because the virus not always develops into any type of growth. So an individual may transmit the virus without having developed any growth himself. However the individual that has been contaminated may develop the wart.

You can get warts by touching objects that had been touched by other individuals that carry the virus. This includes such objects as towels and shoes.

Some strains of this virus are responsible for genital warts. This strain may be transmitted during sexual activity.

The HPV can be found in many places and so you can get it from those places as well. Viruses have a tendency to remain dormant but alive for several months or even years when they are outside the body. They may start to multiply and increase their activity when they are in a body.

The human papilloma virus can be found in moist and warm places. It may lie on the floors of swimming pools, bathrooms, showers, gyms and locker rooms. So walking bare footed in these places increases the chances that you can get the virus through a small cut or scratch in you feet or other parts of your body.

If you are contaminated with the virus you can contaminate other areas of you body as well. This occurs by scratching your wart and touching other areas of your body. Children are particular known to have this type of habits.


Filiform Warts - What Are the Characteristics of These Types of Warts?

Filiform warts are long and narrow rapid growing tumors of the outer skin layer. These tumors are however non-cancerous and so pose no real danger. Filiform warts are usually finger-like shaped and project themselves from the skin. They can more easily be found in certain areas such as on the:

• Face
• Eyelid
• Nose
• Lips
• Chin
• Neck

They are more common in elder children than any other age group. They may sometimes itch or even bleed when they become irritated. This usually happens when they are intentionally scratched or when they are accidentally rubbed against clothing.

In certain areas where they may be easily hit, they may create some discomforts and be a problem.

A filiform wart is caused by a viral infection. This viral infection is caused by the human papilloma virus or HPV for brevity.

A filiform wart is contagious. It may be transmitted:

• From an area to another area of the same body
• Directly From an individual to an individual
• Indirectly from an individual to another individual

Transmission form an area to another area of the same body can occur when the individual scratches the filfiorm wart and touches other parts of the body. This may transmit the HPV, resulting in another growth in other areas.

Direct contact with another individual may result is transmission of the virus. This occurs when another wart of another individual is touched. This many easily happen in children when they are playing team games such as football or basketball.

Touching an object touched by another person can also result in contamination. This may happen when individuals use the same towel to dry their faces. The HPV may be transferred from the face of another individual to another resulting in a filiform wart.

Filiform warts generally go away by themselves after several months or a few years.

However since they more generally occur on visible areas of the individual, they may create some discomforts relating to the aesthetic aspect. In view of this one may consider treatment.


Different Types of Warts - What is a Foot Wart

Foot warts or plantar warts are a type of warts that can be found at the bottom of the foot. A foot wart is about 1cm in diameter and is generally paler than the nearby skin. It has tiny black dots at the centre.

Foot warts have the tendency to group together into clusters. Because it is at the bottom of the foot, this type of wart is generally quite flat.

Sometimes it may cause pain because of the constant pressure exerted on them when walking. Further more, because of this constant pressure, it has the tendency to grow back inside the foot.
A foot wart is also known by the name of plantar wart. The medical name for this type of wart is 'verruca plantaris' or just 'verruca'.

The human papilloma virus or HPV causes foot warts. This virus is responsible also for other type of warts. The human papilloma virus can enter your skin from little cuts or scratches.

Unfortunately this virus is also contagious and so you may get foot warts from getting this virus from another individual. Objects that are touched by another individual that carries this virus may also be contagious.

The human papilloma virus dwells in wet and warm habitats. So bathrooms and swimming pool areas are excellent habitats for this virus. It is a good idea to take appropriate caution and as far as you can you may not walk bare footed in these areas.

Further more if you have this type of warts do not scratch it and then touch other parts of your body. Pay particular attention not to scratch it with your other foot since this may also increase the chance of getting a foot wart on your other foot as well.

There are many types of foot warts treatments that can help you to treat this type of wart. They include over the counter wart removal treatments, surgical wart removal treatment and home treatments for warts.