Sunday, June 10, 2012


Removals of Moles, Warts and Skin Tags

Moles and warts are a common occurrence with many different people.  While in most cases having a mole or a wart is not bothersome, there are many reasons to remove them.  It can be hard to know the best way to remove these afflictions. 

Whether it involves removing a mole or removing a wart, in both cases a dermatologist should be consulted.  A dermatologist is a doctor that specializes in dermatology; the branch of medicine that deals with the skin and its diseases.  They not only deal with the diseases and abnormalities of the skin in both the medical and surgical aspect, they also deal with some cosmetic problems of the skin, scalp, hair, and nails.

Moles are dark or unusual spots found on the skin.  They can appear anywhere on the body in groups or by themselves.  There are two different types of moles.  The most common type of mole is present at birth or can appear over time due to the exposure of the sun.  Some of these types of moles can go unnoticed and are considered beauty marks which are considered not dangerous to have.

The other type of mole is constantly changing in color and/or shape.  These are the types of moles that are most bothersome to some people, and can even lead to serious health risks.  Mole removal is considered a cosmetic surgery procedure but, it does not just serve as a way to improve someone’s appearance.  In addition to reducing health risks for the patient, mole removal can also eliminate painful protrusions and moles that get in the way of simple things like shaving.  Having a mole removed can also eliminate the problem of a mole that is bothersome because it rubs against things like jewelry. 

Warts are small skin growths that are caused by a virus called human papillomavirus or HPV.  Normally they are rough and skin colored but, they can also be dark, smooth or flat as well.  There are many different kinds of warts and they can be found all over the body.  Although warts in children can disappear on their own without treatment, in adults, they do not resolve on their own as quickly.  Since warts can be painful, bothersome and can spread within the body or to others, warts should be removed.

Some people opt to treat their warts at home using over the counter medications.  While this may save the person time and money, a more affective way to get rid of warts is to see a dermatologist.  These doctors use several different methods to rid their patients of warts.  One way is by using chemicals.  Dermatologists use nitrogen to freeze the warts or salicylic acid in order to cause a blister to form.  After the blister has formed the doctor can peel it off to remove the wart.  Doctors can also use a laser to remove troublesome warts.

Dermatologists also have a variety of prescriptions that they can offer their patients in order to give them the option of treating their warts at home relieving them of a procedure that could be painful or end up scarring.

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